Business Box
4 min readJun 16, 2021

Business Box. Idea.
Over the past year, we have seen cryptocurrency popularize. If before no one believed in mass use, now that we have caught the trend of DEFI and NFT, no one has any doubts that in 5–10 years more than 1 billion people will be users of bitcoins and cryptocurrencies in general.

As recently as six months ago, the owners of the cryptocurrency asked to invest in the real sector: real estate, business, construction, participation in capital. Many people who have earned a lot of money in cryptocurrency fear for their lives and their funds, because we know how many cases of robbery, fraud, extortion were in the world when trying to exchange cryptocurrency for real money. Illegal online exchangers, forum sellers, and other scammers always pose a danger to the owner of a cryptocurrency.

People want to invest or buy property from the comfort of their homes. The introduction of selling Tesla for Bitcoin was very welcome news and we are sure that this is just the beginning.

We are a liaison between companies looking for additional investments in their business, or simply wanting to sell part of it and buyers who want to buy shares of a real business with Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency.

There are no restrictions for the buyer, he can be a resident of any country in the world, he can register a share of the company for himself, his wife, parents, friend, or someone else. There are no difficulties, the purchase of company shares takes place directly from the business owner under a share purchase and sale agreement and is entered in the register. This is a completely legal transaction. All registration can take place remotely — most often signed documents are enough, in some cases, a notarized power of attorney and apostille will be required, which are sent by courier service. It depends on the Buyer’s country of residence, but in general, registration takes no more than two weeks.

Listing fee.

We will not have a paid listing, our commission is charged to the seller upon completion of the transaction. We are ready to consider all types of businesses that are legal, with a confirmed turnover of 300,000 euros per year (500,000 for third world countries and the former Soviet Union), have been on the market for 2 years and have an officially hired staff who also pay taxes. It usually takes up to 10 business days to review and sign a contract with our company.

We believe that diversification is the best way to save money, because if a crypto winter awaits us in the near future, then acquiring a stake in a real, working business will increase the chances of saving your deposit from collapse by minus 90%.

The minimum investment amount for buying a business, a share in a business.

At the moment, the minimum entry threshold is quite high, from 50,000 to 100,000 euros, since companies want to have only one or two co-owners, but we had a large number of requests from private crypto investors for amounts from 5,000 euros. Perhaps in the future, we will consider the possibility of entering the companies of small pools of investors with the consent of the seller, or we will develop an additional investment mechanism for small investors.

Have you made $ 5 million in Bitcoin? It is best to invest a portion of this amount so that you always have enough money for a good life, no matter what happens in the crypto area. As a consequence, successful crypto investors will ultimately need to diversify their risks. Risks can be minimized most effectively if the investment is made on the international market.

Let’s say you are in no doubt and are an ardent crypto-anarchist and believe in the crypto market, you should still think about diversifying your investments in the light of the inevitable introduction/tightening of market regulation, of course, it will happen in parallel with the massive introduction of cryptocurrencies. The crypto world is quite libertarian now, regulation will inevitably increase as more people enter it, and the government will follow as a consequence.



Business Box

The world's first platform for selling real businesses for bitcoin directly from the owners.